Source code for epistoch.sir_g

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Apr 11 12:20:32 2020

@author: Germán Riaño (

import logging
import math

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import integrate, interpolate
from tqdm import tqdm

from epistoch.utils.stats import loss_function
from epistoch.utils.utils import compute_integral, get_total_infected

EPS = 1e-5

# The SIR model differential equations.
def _sir_deriv(t, y, beta, gam):
    S, I = y
    dSdt = -beta * S * I
    dIdt = beta * S * I - gam * I
    return dSdt, dIdt

[docs]def sir_classical(name, population, reproductive_factor, infectious_period_mean, num_days, I0=1.0, S0=None, times=None): """ Solves a classical SIR model. Parameters ---------- name: string Model name population: float total population size reproductive_factor: float basic reproductive factor(R0) infectious_period_mean: float expected value of Infectious Period Time I0: float Initial infectious population S0: float Initial susceptible population (optinal, defaults to all but I0) num_days: int number of days to run times: array of float times where the functions should be reported. Defaults to ``np.linspace(0, num_days, num_days + 1)`` Returns ------- dict Dictionary with fields: - name: model name - population: Total population - total_infected - data: data Frame with columns - S : Susceptible, - I : Infectious (Dying or recovering), - R : Removed (recovered + deaths), """ # Note: Code based on # # Total population, N. N = population # Initial number of infected and recovered individuals, I0 and R0. I0 = I0 / N S0 = S0 / N if S0 is not None else 1 - I0 # Note that R0 = 1 - I0 - S0 # Contact rate, beta, and mean recovery rate, gam, (in 1/days). gam = 1.0 / infectious_period_mean beta = reproductive_factor * gam # A grid of time points (in days) times = np.linspace(0, num_days, num_days + 1) if times is None else times # Initial conditions vector y0 = [S0, I0] # Integrate the SIR equations over the time grid, t. ret = integrate.odeint(_sir_deriv, y0, times, args=(beta, gam), tfirst=True) S, I = ret.T # De-normalize S = S * N I = I * N R = N - S - I result = dict() result["data"] = pd.DataFrame(data={"Day": times, "S": S, "I": I, "R": R}).set_index("Day") result["total_infected"] = get_total_infected(reproductive_factor) result["population"] = N result["name"] = name return result
[docs]def sir_g( name, population, reproductive_factor, infectious_time_distribution, num_days, I0=1.0, S0=None, num_periods=None, method="loss", logger=None, ): """ Solves a SIR-G model. Parameters ---------- name: string Model name population: float total population size reproductive_factor: float basic reproductive factor(R0) infectious_time_distribution: scipy.stats.rv_continuous expected value of Infectious Period Time num_days: int number of days to run I0: float Initial infectious population S0: float Initial susceptible population (optional, defaults to all but I0) num_periods:int Number of periods to use for computations. Higher number will lead ot more precise computation. method: string Method used for the internal integral logger Logger object Returns ------- dict Dictionary with fields: - name: model name - population: Total population - total_infected - data: data Frame with columns - S : Susceptible, - I : Infectious (Dying or recovering), - R : Removed (recovered + deaths), """ if logger is None: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Total population, N. N = population dist = infectious_time_distribution I0 = I0 / N S0 = S0 / N if S0 is not None else 1 - I0 # Notice that R0 = 1 - I0 - S0 # Contact rate, beta, and mean recovery rate, gam, (in 1/days). gam = 1 / dist.mean() beta = reproductive_factor * gam num_periods = 10 * num_days if num_periods is None else num_periods delta = num_days / num_periods times = np.linspace(start=0.0, stop=num_days, num=num_periods + 1)"Computing survival function") survival = dist.sf(times)"Computing PDF function") pdfs = dist.pdf(times) if pdfs[0] == math.inf: pdfs[0] = dist.pdf(dist.ppf(0.01)) survival = dist.sf(times) if survival[0] < 1.0 - EPS: logging.warning(f"Survival function does not start in 1: {survival}")"Computing Loss1 function") loss_fun = loss_function(dist) loss1 = loss_fun(times) S = np.zeros(num_periods + 1) # S[:] = np.nan I = np.zeros(num_periods + 1) # I[:] = np.nan S[0] = S0 I[0] = I0"Computing SIR-G model with {num_periods} periods.") for n in tqdm(range(0, num_periods)): S[n + 1] = S[n] - delta * beta * S[n] * I[n] integral = compute_integral(n, delta, S, I, times, survival, pdfs, loss1, dist, method=method) # Expected case for exponential variables integral_expon = (gam / beta) * (I[n] - I0 * survival[n]) logger.debug(f"n={n}, t={n*delta}, integral = {integral}, integral_expon = {integral_expon}") I[n + 1] = I[n] + delta * (beta * (S[n] * I[n] - integral) - gam * I0 * survival[n]) # Report one point per day, and de-normalize days = np.linspace(0, num_days, num_days + 1) S = N * interpolate.interp1d(times, S)(days) I = N * interpolate.interp1d(times, I)(days) R = N - S - I result = dict() result["name"] = name result["population"] = population result["data"] = pd.DataFrame(data={"Day": days, "S": S, "I": I, "R": R}).set_index("Day") result["total_infected"] = get_total_infected(reproductive_factor) return result