Source code for epistoch.sir_phg

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Apr 26 11:43:11 2020

@author: Germán Riaño, PhD
import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numpy import matlib as ml
from scipy import integrate, interpolate, linalg

from epistoch.utils.utils import get_total_infected

EPS = 1e-5

[docs]def to_array(*args): flat_args = [np.array(arg).flatten() for arg in args] return np.concatenate(flat_args)
# The SIR-PH model differential equations. def _deriv(t, y, beta, n, alpha, A, a): S, x, r = np.split(y, [1, n + 1]) x = ml.mat(x) x.reshape(1, n) x_beta = x @ beta dSdt = -S * x_beta dxdt = S * (x @ beta @ alpha) + x @ A drdt = np.multiply(x.T, a) # component-wise multiplication return to_array(dSdt, dxdt, drdt)
[docs]def sir_phg( name, population, beta, infectious_time_distribution, num_days=160, I0=1.0, S0=None, logger=None, report_phases=False, ): """ Compute a SIR-PH model Parameters ---------- name: string Model name population : float Total population. beta : float, optional Contagion rate. The default is 0.2. infectious_time_distribution : phase Must be a PH distribution. num_days : int Number of days to run. I0 : float, optional initial population. The default is 1.0. S0 : float or int, optional Initial susceptible. The default is all but I0. logger : Logger, optional Logger object. If none is given, default logging used. report_phases : boolean, optional Whether to include phase levels and removed from every level in the report. The default is False. Returns ------- dict A dictionary with these fields: - name: model name - population: total population - total_infected: estimation of total infected individuals - data: DataFrame with columns - S : Susceptible - I : Infected individuals - R : Removed Individuals - Optionally: I-Phase0,...,I-Phase(n-1), and R-Phase0,...R-Phase(n-1) """ if logger is None: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Total population, N. N = population dist = infectious_time_distribution I0 = I0 / N S0 = S0 / N if S0 is not None else 1 - I0 R0 = 1 - I0 - S0 # Contact rate, beta, and mean recovery rate, gam, (in 1/days). gam = 1 / dist.mean() # A grid of time points (in days) times = np.linspace(start=0.0, stop=num_days, num=num_days + 1) alpha, A, a, n = dist.params() beta = beta * np.ones(n) # Spread initial I in phases x0 = -I0 * gam * alpha @ linalg.inv(A) # Spread initial R0 evenly in phases r0 = R0 * np.ones(n) / n"Computing SIR-PH model with {num_days} days and {n} phases.") # Initial conditions vector y0 = to_array(S0, x0, r0) # Integrate the SIR-PH equations over the time grid, t. ret = integrate.odeint(_deriv, y0, times, args=(beta, n, alpha, A, a), tfirst=True) S, x, r = np.split(ret, [1, n + 1], axis=1) S = S.flatten() I = np.sum(x, axis=1) R = np.sum(r, axis=1) pi = dist.equilibrium_pi() effective_r0 = (pi @ beta) / gam # Report one point per day, and de-normalize days = np.linspace(0, num_days, num_days + 1) S = N * interpolate.interp1d(times, S)(days) I = N * interpolate.interp1d(times, I)(days) R = N * interpolate.interp1d(times, R)(days) result = dict() result["data"] = pd.DataFrame(data={"Day": days, "S": S, "I": I, "R": R}).set_index("Day") if report_phases: xdf = pd.DataFrame(N * x) xdf.columns = ["I-Phase" + str(i) for i in range(n)] result["data"] = pd.concat([result["data"], xdf], axis=1) result["I-columns"] = xdf.columns.values.tolist() rdf = pd.DataFrame(N * r) rdf.columns = ["R-Phase" + str(i) for i in range(n)] result["data"] = pd.concat([result["data"], rdf], axis=1) result["R-columns"] = rdf.columns.values.tolist() result["total_infected"] = get_total_infected(effective_r0, S0) result["name"] = name result["population"] = population return result