Source code for epistoch.utils.utils

import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate, interpolate, optimize

[docs]def compute_integral(n, delta, S, I, times, survival, pdfs, loss1, dist, method="loss"): r""" Compute the integral needed for the integro-differential model. In other words, computes .. math:: \int_0^t g(t-x) I(x)S(x) dx \quad \text{ for } t = n*\delta Parameters ---------- n : integer upper limit for integral. delta : float interval size S : array Susceptible I : array Infected times: array times at which the arraya are evaluated survival : array of float array :math:`G_k \equiv P\{ T > k\delta\}`. pdfs: array of float array :math:`g(k\delta)`. loss1 array float :math:`L_k\equiv L(k\delta)` dist: rv_continuous Object that represents the distribution method: string One from "loss", "simpson" or "interpolate" Returns ------- Value of the integral """ if n == 0: return 0.0 if method == "loss": IS = np.zeros_like(survival) # next line equivalent to: IS[: n + 1] = np.array([I[n - k] * S[n - k] for k in range(n + 1)]) IS[: n + 1] = np.flipud(I[: n + 1] * S[: n + 1]) slopes = np.diff(IS, append=0.0) / delta # m1, m2, ... delta_slopes = np.diff(slopes, prepend=0.0) return IS[0] + sum(delta_slopes * loss1) if method == "simpson": integral_points = [pdfs[n - k] * S[k] * I[k] for k in range(0, n + 1)] return integrate.simps(integral_points, dx=delta) if method == "interpolate": t = n * delta interpolator = interpolate.interp1d(times[: n + 1], S[: n + 1] * I[: n + 1]) def _integrand(tau): return dist.pdf(t - tau) * interpolator(tau) return integrate.quad(_integrand, 0, t)[0]
[docs]def get_total_infected(reproductive_factor, normalized_s0=1): r""" Estimate the total number of infected for a given reproductive factor. Find the value z that solves .. math:: 1-z = S_0 * e^{{\mathcal R_0} z}, where :math:`\mathcal R_0` is the ``reproductive_factor``, and :math:`S_0` is the (normalized) initial population ``normalized_s0``. Parameters ---------- reproductive_factor : float Basic reproductive factor. normalized_s0 : float, optional Initial fraction of population that is infected. The default is 1. Returns ------- float The stimated fraction of total infected. """ if reproductive_factor < 1: return 0.0 else: fun = lambda x: 1 - x - normalized_s0 * np.exp(-reproductive_factor * x) result = optimize.root_scalar(fun, bracket=[0.0001, 1]) return result.root
def _compute_array_error(name, x1, x2, N, do_print=True): # Convenience method to compute the error difference in tow array error = np.abs(x1 - x2) / N if do_print: print(f"{name}: max error = {np.max(error):.2}, avg error = {np.mean(error):.2}") return np.max(error) def _compute_error(model1, model2, N, do_print=True): # Convenience methods to compute errors between two models if model1["population"] != model2["population"]: raise ValueError("We can only compare models with the same population") N = model1["population"] error_i = _compute_array_error("I", model1["data"].I, model2["data"].I, N, do_print) error_s = _compute_array_error("S", model1["data"].S, model2["data"].S, N, do_print) return 0.5 * (error_i + error_s)
[docs]def report_summary(result): """ Report a summary for a model. Parameters ---------- result: Result from SIR like model """ model = result["data"] name = result["name"] N = result["population"] n = len(model) - 1 print(f"Model {name} Summary") print(f" Total Infected People: {int(model.R[n]):,d} ({model.R[n]/N:.2%})") print(f" Infection Peak: {int(np.max(model.I)):,d} ({np.max(model.I)/N:.2%})") print(f" Peak Day: {int(np.argmax(model.I)):,d}") print(f" Theoretical Total Infected: {result['total_infected']:.2%}")