pyphase package


pyphase.phase module

Module pyphase.phase.

This module allows you to work with Phase-Type distributions.

The CDF for PH variable is given by

\[F(t) = 1 - \boldsymbol{\alpha} e^{\boldsymbol{A} t} \boldsymbol{1} \qquad x \geq 0,\]

where \(\boldsymbol{\alpha}\) is a probability vector and the matrix \(\boldsymbol{A}\) has the transition rates between the phases.

To build a PH variable you need the vectoe alpha and matrix A

>>> from pyphase import *
>>> alpha = [0.1 , 0.9]
>>> A = [[-2.0 , 1.0], [1.5, -3.0]]
>>> v = phase(alpha, A)
>>> print(v) 
  alpha = [[0.1 0.9]]
  A     = [[-2.   1. ]
           [ 1.5 -3. ]]

After you have the variable you can do all operations that are typical with random variables in scipy.stats:

>>> print(f"The mean is {v.mean():.3f}")
The mean is 0.789
>>> print(f"v.cdf(1.0)={v.cdf(1.0):.3f}")
class pyphase.phase.PhaseType(alpha, A, dist, *args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_frozen

Represent a Phase-Type distribution.

Users should not call it directly but rather call phase(alpha, A)


Return the equilibrium distribution of the associated PH distribution.

In other word, it finds the vector pi that solves

\[\pmb \pi = \pmb\pi(\pmb A + \pmb \alpha \pmb a), \qquad \pmb\pi\pmb 1=1\]
Returns:vector :math”pmbpi that solves the equilibrium equations.
Return type:array

First order loss function.

For a random variable C teh first order loss function is defined as

\[L(x) = [E(X-x)^+]\]
Parameters:x (float) – The value at which the first order distribution is evaluated
Returns:Value of the loss function at x.
Return type:float

Returns the parameters of this PH distribution.

Returns:(\(\pmb\alpha, \pmb A, \pmb a=- \pmb A \pmb 1\), dimension)
Return type:tuple
pyphase.phase.ph_erlang(n, lambd=None, mean=None)[source]

Builds an Erlang(n,lmbda).

If mean is provided then lambda = n/mean.

  • n (int) – The order of this Erlang
  • lambd (float, optional) – Provide only one between lambd or mean
  • mean (float, optional) – Provide only one between lambd or mean

PH representation for an Erlang

Return type:


pyphase.phase.ph_expon(lambd=None, mean=None)[source]

Builds an exponential distribution represented as PH.

If mean is provided then lambda = 1/mean.

  • lambd (float, optional) – Rate value. One between lambd an mean must be given.
  • mean (float, optional) – Mean value. One between lambd an mean must be given.

PH object.

Return type:


pyphase.phase.ph_mix(ph1, ph2, p1)[source]

Produces a PH variable thet is a mixture of the two given PH variables.

  • ph1 (PH) – The first variable.
  • ph2 (PH) – The second variable.
  • p1 (float) – Probability of choosing the first variable. 0 <= p1 <= 1

The resulting PH variable.

Return type:


pyphase.phase.ph_sum(ph1, ph2)[source]

Produces a new PH that is the sum of the given PH variables.

  • ph1 (PH) – The first variable.
  • ph2 (PH) – The second variable.

The resulting PH variable.

Return type:


pyphase.phase.phase(alpha, A)[source]

Creates a new PH variable.

This method builds a PhaseType object by given the array \(\pmb\alpha\) and matrix \(\pmb A\). The CDF for PH variable is given

\[F(t) = 1 - \boldsymbol{\alpha} e^{\boldsymbol{A} t} \boldsymbol{1} \qquad x \geq 0\]
  • alpha (array of float) – The initial probabilities vector. It must satisfy \(\sum_i \alpha_i \leq 1\).
  • A (matrix of float) – The transition matrix between phases.

An object representing this distribution.

Return type: